Religion Curriculum Guide
General Religion Overview and Rationale
Through God’s Word each individual child is brought to realize:
- Our Sinful Condition
- Adam and Eve were created in the image of God: perfect and holy.
- All became sinners deserving eternal damnation and cannot save themselves.
- The Grace of God
- God has established salvation for all.
- God loves the undeserving sinner and wants all to be saved.
- God the Father accomplished salvation by sending His Son Jesus Christ to atone for all sins.
- Christ redeemed the world from sin, death, and hell by His obedient life and innocent death.
- God the Holy Spirit works saving faith in the heart of all believers.
- The Response of a Christian
- Christians recognize themselves as children of God.
- Christians grow in faith through the regular use of the Word and Sacrament.
- Christians gladly serve Christ and the church.
- Christians conform to the law of God out of faith and love for Christ.
- Christians turn daily to God in prayer.
- Christians witness for Christ in their daily lives.