language arts

Language Arts Curriculum Guide

Our Language Arts Curriculum will: 

  1. Help our students to recognize that language is a God-given blessing. 
  2. Help our students to recognize that written language is the means by which God chose to reveal Himself and communicate His message of salvation to us. 
  3. Help our students to recognize that language arts is one of the skills by which we will communicate the blessings of God’s Word to others. 
  4. Help our students to recognize that writing and speaking are skills that are often used in a Christian’s daily life. 
  5. Help our students to recognize that the ability to communicate enhances the Christian’s personal life and relationships with others. 


The Language Arts Curriculum is geared to address the areas of grammar, writing, spelling, handwriting, oral communication, and listening skills. 

The goals of our curriculum are: 

  1. Language usage must meet conventional standards in the areas of grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. 
  2. Written communication must express meaning clearly and precisely through the use of a developmental process. 
  3. Oral communication must express meaning clearly and precisely so that the audience can be active listeners.