Mrs. Andrea Wordell
From Mrs. Wordell:
It is a joy and a blessing for me to teach kindergarten at Christ Alone Lutheran School (CALS). I love to see my students growing in their Savior’s love and blossoming as learners.
Born in Wisconsin, I grew up in Zambia and moved to Arizona as a teen. I graduated from Dr. Martin Luther College with a degree in elementary education in 1988. I taught K-3 at Gethsemane Lutheran School in Oklahoma City, second and third grade reading at an international school in Tokyo, and am a certified dyslexia tutor. I began teaching at CALS in 2020.
My husband Brad and I were married in 1992. We’ve lived in Wisconsin and Japan. Brad currently serves as a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. We’ve been blessed with five children, a daughter and four sons.
Favorite Bible passage
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10