Mrs. Mary Scherzberg
School Secretary
From Mrs. Scherzberg:
The sounds of voices singing hymns of praise and speaking words of encouragement to one another are to me what make Christ Alone Lutheran School (CALS) a special place. It is truly Christ-centered.
CALS’ focus on Christ is the main reason my husband and I chose to enroll our children here. As a homemaker at the time, I was thankfully able to be involved in the education of my children through various volunteer opportunities. This, in time, led to being asked to serve the families of Christ Alone in several roles. I have been a childcare staff member in our CALS Kids After School Center, a teacher’s aide in our preschool, and a secretary for our congregation. And I am presently the secretary of CALS.
What a joy it is to hear the hymns of praise and words of encouragement!
Favorite Bible Passage
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:1-2